
Pastors & Staff

Mike Strand

Lead Pastor

Mike grew up all over the Midwest, but his family landed just south of us in Northfield, where his parents still live. The Lord called him to ministry while he was in high school, and he pursued that beginning in college where he got involved in youth ministry. He has served at churches in Wyoming and Colorado in various positions before coming back home to Minnesota and South Suburban. Mike met his beautiful bride, Cara while serving at the church in Wyoming. Cara grew up as a missionary kid in Africa, and together they have 5 kids. Mike and Cara enjoy having people over, playing games, and drinking good coffee. If Mike isn't at church or with his family, you'll probably find him listening to podcasts, reading a book, having a theological discussion, playing music, or drinking coffee!

Micah Anderson

Associate Pastor

Micah has been serving in churches and other ministries since high school. He has served in student, music, and tech ministries using the gifts God has given him to foster God-honoring community through personal discipleship, prayer, and a commitment to biblical worship (spoilers, it’s more than music!). In his spare time, Micah can be found dabbling in rock climbing, playing ultimate frisbee, reading, and playing board games. Married since 2015, he and his wife Elizabeth enjoy exploring nature together, drinking good coffee, and playing with their dog!

Tami Peterson

Music and Women's Director

Tami came to South Suburban in 2001. She and her husband live in Eagan where they enjoy hiking, biking, reading, eating chocolate, and spending time with their family - not necessarily in that order! People that bring an extra big smile to her face are her grandkids. Tami loves to praise God through music and come alongside women as we each take one step closer to Jesus.

Molly Auger

Youth Director

Molly has served in ministry roles since college and strongly desires to see youth deepen their faith in Jesus through honest conversations about the Bible and its practical life application. Growing up near Superior, Wisconsin, Molly has a love of the outdoors which she shares with her husband Ken, daughter Evelynne, and dog Kenai. Since Molly was homeschooled, she is an unabashed nerd who will talk with you about books for as long as you let her.

Erin Rivenburg

Family Ministries Director

Erin was involved in the Kids' Ministry at South Suburban growing up and is excited to be on staff serving the church in this area. Her husband, Mark, also grew up at South Suburban. They have two highly active boys who bring a lot of fun and laughter to their home. She is energized by coming alongside families to equip them as they teach their kids about Jesus. Erin enjoys reading, going on walks, and experimenting in the kitchen with new recipes and ingredients.

Heather Nelson

Office Manager

Heather joined the staff at South Suburban in 2015 and enjoys the opportunity to serve the Lord daily alongside a great team of people! She is very detail oriented person, but the rest of the staff help her to see the bigger picture on a regular basis! She's lived in Minnesota her entire life, but has dreams of someday living by the ocean. Heather and her husband have 2 teenage boys. She enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends, singing (in the car, alone, with the music really loud), praying for her kids with Moms in Prayer, and taking in occasional MN sporting events (always cheering for the Vikings!). If you stop by the church during the week, Heather is most likely the first person you'll see!


Deb Veer

Database Administrator

Dani Genz


Eric Zaske

Facilities Manager


Our Overseers serve the body by committing themselves to the ministry of the Word and prayer (Acts 6:4). These men meet the biblical qualifications for elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9), are voted to 3 year terms by the congregation, and work to shepherd the flock of God at South Suburban.

Bob Dettmer

Jay Hoekstra

David Jaszczak

Dell Mather

Paul Rivenburg

Steve Stang